Chibi Novabeast Eyelashes
These eyelashes were made for the Chibi Novabeast base by me!
They have all the eye shapekeys and works together with my animation gestures!
Has 184 polygons
Ready to use right away by opening the Chibi Eyelashes Scene (Make sure to have the original unity package imported first)
You can also add them manually by dragging the prefab to the head bone and replace the FX Controller with mine Chibi Novabeast BE
These only work for the non FT version
Please have some Unity knowledge before buying!
Terms of Service
You may use them for Public and Personal avatars
Do not share the asset around to friends or strangers
If you need help to attach them don't give them out to someone to help you, you can contact me for help
If there seems to be any issues related to this product please contact me on Discord .laura.